Another five bite the dust!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I took a break from school, which is ending in 23 days!, and went to visit family.  It is nice to leave the whole hectic world of school behind and just be with those that love me.  (I mainly go with the reasoning of "because they have too" on that last statement).  Plus guess what is Friday...SHOPPING!

I have made stupendous progress on my list in the last few weeks.  WooHoo!!!!!! 

First off is something I had very little actual hope of accomplishing is that I actually turned in an assignment over a week before it is due (actually about 3 weeks before but who is counting).  This goal was #4 on my list.  I am a procrastinator of the worst kind so I tend to not get things done until they are due.  I do get it done, but not too early. 

The most important thing I did was learn how to make Filling.  This is #36 on my list and my mom taught me today (well yesterday but I am still awake so it is the same day to me).  Filling is a Thanksgiving and Christmas staple that my mom makes, that my Pop made (her dad) and before that my great grandmother made.  The recipe is not written down but it is YUMMY!  Absolutely yummy.  Thanks mom for helping my life get to be a little more awesome.

I continued #60 this past weekend because I did not get online at all.  For a Facebook and livejournal addict like, that is HARD! I kept busy with friends, an Alabama football game (Roll Tide!), a party, a library visit and a movie (New Moon...kill me please).  It was a great weekend and I had fun but I am even happier to have avoided the Internet for a few days.

I have continued #75 by sending two more postcards.  This puts me at a total of 10 sent postcards.  I have also received 10 postcards and as soon as I can remember (always a key point) I will put my pc pictures up online.

I realized when I was looking at my list that the snowman painting I raved about last time actually fulfills a goal!  Who knew?  I just went because it seemed fun, but now I see that it means I completed #80.  That is an extra woohoo!

I think that is it for now.  I know, that is 5!!!! goals I am making major progress with so that is happy.  Soon I can update on #1 and #2 but I am waiting just a bit.  So close on those.  In 23 days things should be GREAT!

Have a great turkey day all! ~blubrrymffin


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