Just a post

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It is time to update...yay!  Last week was ultra stressing but hopefully this week works a bit better.  I did try a new beer (Newcastle) so at least that part of my list is continuing towards the goal.  I continue to work on the job front (because I want something for when I am done school darnit!) and nothing big to report.  Right now I am trying to work on my school work and stay up-to-date with all (major swirling hand motion) of that mess.  I am in two different groups for two different classes and I like the group aspect of both but one is functioning much better than the other one.

I found it amusing yesterday when 1 group member in my 560 class group said, "For our final project, can we get it completed asap.  I am leaving on the 11th so I would like to be done before then."  I cried out a loud response of "YES!!!!" because this is my last assignment due.  Get done early...I think so.  According to my countdown clock graduation is t-52 days away.  So close, so far, so happy, so scary and so ready.  Is it possible to have senioritis for grad school?  Maybe it is grad-itis.  I just feel apathetic in regards to my classes.  I spent half an hour last Thursday discussing the different ways to bludgeon myself with another student so we could leave class early.  Of course, it was kind of amusing when we made a list of pointy objects....eh, never mind.  Sort of sadistic actually :-p .

I had a great weekend with mom and dad and this coming Saturday is the Tennessee game.  I hope we get an offense again by Saturday.  Just a few days and then its the weekend, woot!  I think I need sleep now...g'night!

P.S.- Sent out a new postcrossing postcard today.  This makes 8 total so far.  I received a postcard today as well from Finland.  I really need to make a book or something with all my awesome postcards.

New addition for my list!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I have a new addition for my list (number 86 to be exact).  I want to go to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.  They have a HUGE shuttlecock outside and I think I need my picture with it.  Hmmmmm....sounds like a plan!

Other additions are:

87.  write a list of 101 things that make me happy and share with those I love
88.  change the oil in my car on a regular basis
89.  make my own painting and hang it up
90.  see Alabama play Penn State
91.  vote whenever I can
92.  fly somewhere in first class
93.  go scuba-diving or snorkeling
94.  read a book someone suggested to me
95.  learn to make Filling!
96.  become a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association (so they stop bothering me!)
97.  write a letter to myself before day 30 and read it on day 1001
98-100.  coming on 10/3/10
101. start a new 101 list on day 1001

Another one bites the dust!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

YAY!  I can mark some more items off my list!  Say goodbye little list, I will kill you.  Mwahahahaha....

1. Say goodbye #9 because I went to San Diego (actually I do not leave until tomorrow)

2. I can mark off one part of #29 because I tried coleslaw finally and as expected...that is a big nope!  Never again, I am sure the coleslaw was good but ewwwwww...not me.

3. I also beat #35 because there was a random sax player on the street and I gave him $2.  Not alot I know, but I still gave the guy something.  I felt better for actually helping someone-let's hope I did.

4. I also am continuing my "try new drinks" goal.  Yesterday, even though I did not update, I had another two new beers.  First of all I tried Bohemia and Hofbrau Dunkel.  The former is a mexican beer and the latter is a dark german beer.  Of the beers that I tried this past weekend, I think I liked Hofbrau the very most.  It had a nice spicy aftertaste.  Yummmmmm

I think that I am definitely doing well with my goals.  YAY!!!!!  Much love and wish me luck on my trip back to Alabama (oh yeah, I so went to Trader Joe's Today-because I could)

Yard House Fun

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tonight I went to the Yard House.  It has a lot of beers on draft and was pretty sweet.  I tried two new beers while I was there: Gordon Biersch Blonde Bock and the local House Honey Blonde.  I definitely liked the first beer better but I am glad I tried both.  After supper with at the Yard House, we stopped and bought Modelo.  It is a Mexican beer and was not as good as the first two.  I had a great night though and did enjoy my new drinks...yummmm.

I tried a new beer!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

So I tried a new Beer last night.  This is great for my list and I actually enjoyed.  Hoegaarden is a Belgian Wheat Beer and it is spiced with Coriander and Orange Peel.  I had my beer with a lemon slice...yummy!  I think my brother would like the beer so I will recommend it to him.


Look at the pretty pictures of Hermione and Spiderman.  Well, let me tell you this...

I hate allergies and right now I am not a fan of cats.  Because I have yet another sinus infection and I keep losing my voice.  How can I talk when I have no voice?  O those cats are gonna be de-furred real soon.

More for my list

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

So I need to finish my list and I only need about 26...only 26!  That is a lot!  I am almost done with another book so I can say (2/250) books read towards my read new books goal.  I think I may make a statement regarding my list now.  In one year's time I will look my list and re-evaluate my goals.  I do not believe this is a cop-out of anything, but I will be in a different place at that point and certain goals may need to be redone.  Sound like a plan?  I thought so.  :-)

75.  Try 10 new drinks
76.  Donate clothes I do not wear quarterly
77.  Get new glasses (my prescription is 2 1/2 yrs old!)
78.  Complete an iTunes University class
79.  Check my voice mail weekly
80.  Read the Sunday paper, not just the Sunday ads
81.  Give up Soda for Lent and not cheat
82.  Do not buy another planner for a year (I have a planner fetish)
83.  See a "ruin" of something
84.  Visit the female doctor for that thing I hate
85.  Restart my 401K
86.  more coming....

Job apps galore

Monday, October 05, 2009

I worked on the "get a job" goal this morning.  I applied for about 15 jobs and now I am so done for the day.  There are a few I need to apply by mail for (seriously, who does that?) but most are in for the moment.  I think I am a little crazy in my trying to apply right now.  I really want to have a job to go into once I graduate.  That is not too nuts right?  Oh well, I will keep going.  Tonight at work I have to print the last few cv's off on nice paper so I can mail them (did I mention, who does that?).  I even applied for two CIA jobs tonight.  I can start singing the "Secret Agent Man" song, except more like, "Secret Agent Librarian" :-)

I did something towards a goal!

So I actually started to work towards completing my goal!  Last night (when I could not sleep) I read my first new-to-me book.  It called Ash and the author is Malinda Lo.  It is a twist on the Cinderella tale.  For a first time author I thought she did a great job.  Probably the most unique aspect is that fairies are not good.  How many other stories do you read where fairies are always light, airy, good?  I loved the twist Lo gives for this book.  I am extremely interested to read another book Lo writes.  

Reading this book makes my #28 read: (1/250).  Yay!  One day and 249 to go on the book front.  I think I can handle this task just fine.  :-)

More For My 101 in 1001 list

HI!  I have a few more additions for my list of 101 in 1001.  I am still working on items but I cannot believe how hard it is to come up with good ideas.  I want to pick items that I can accomplish in a reasonable way.  Some can be harder and some can be easier but if it on the list I want to commit to actually trying to reach my 101.  Does this make sense?  Ok...without further ado, my additional items:

58.  Get a portable hard drive for my MacBook.
59.  Reread all of Ian Fleming's James Bond  series
60.  Go on a trip with just my dad (can be a day trip)
61.  Go on a trip with just my mom (can be a day trip)
62.  Go on a trip with just Jake (can be a day trip) 
63.  Go on a trip with Holly and Kimber (can be a day trip)
64.  Make it to the ALA and/or SLA annual conference each year
65.  Color an entire coloring book all the way through
66.  Do not buy any "new" books for a month- only use the library or buy used
67.  Sing Karaoke
68.  Mail a secret to PostSecret
69.  Send a soldier a care package
70.  Play mini putt-putt
71.  Go to the dentist
72.  Put all my change in a jar for 6 months
73.  Go to a zoo
74.  Plant a tree somewhere
75.  and I still need more...

My 101 in 1001 List So Far

Saturday, October 03, 2009

I decided to post what I have in my list so far.  I think that I have a good start and will finish my list by the end of the weekend.  They are not organized now but do not worry-they will be.

1.  Graduate with my MLIS on Dec. 12
2.  Start AND finish a complete Cross Stitch that is bigger than an ornament or a bookmark
3.  Volunteer at least once a month for a year
4.  Go to San Diego
5.  Visit Australia
6.  Live in Italy or have in place a plan to live there within a year at the end of the 1001 days
7.  Remember to send birthday cards to my family and send them ON TIME for 1 year
8.  Sponsor a child somewhere
9.  Go to church every week for a year (except maybe twice if on vacation or sick)
10.  Attend a wine tasting
11.  Learn 10 songs to play on my guitar from memory
12.  Get a job when I graduate!
13.  Watch 26 movies in a month in the order of the alphabet (Each must start with a different letter)
14.  Give money to a random street musician
15.  Watch 5 sunrises from 5 different places
16.  Leave 25 post-its somewhere with random and happy messages for people I do not know to find
17.  Visit my Pop
18.  Visit at least half the states (airport terminals DO NOT count)
19.  Take another cake decorating class
20.  Post something good on MLIA
21.  Get another tattoo
22.  Stay off the internet one day a month until the 1001 days are over
23.  Keep up with this blog!
24.  See the big ball of twine in Kansas
25.  Have an article I write published in a professional journal
26.  Watch the entirety of Supernatural
27.  Read the Bible everyday
28.  Read 250 new-to-me books over the course of the 1001 days
29.  Put at least $1 a day in savings and do not touch until 1001 days are over
30.  Sleep for at least 8 hours a day for a continuous fortnight
31.  Learn more Italian for when I live in Italy
32.  Photograph one view in all 4 seasons and post it here
33.  Come up with my own font style and then use it
34.  Take a walk when it is raining and go nowhere important
35.  Watch all of AFI's top 100 movies (even, gulp, the Star Wars)
36.  Play my Wii Fit everyday for a month
37.  Backup my laptop monthly
38.  Use Dictionary.com's "Word of the day" in a sentence everyday for a month
39.  See at least 6 concerts/musicals
40.  Overpay student loans for 6 months
41.  Actually fly a kite
42.  Get a facial
43.  Grow my own tomato plant and eat the lovely tomatoes
44.  Eat at a restaurant by myself and not feel self concious
45.  Finish some homework assignment at least a week before it is due
46.  Do a jigsaw upside down
47.  Go Zorb-ing
48.  Send 100 postcards with postcrossing
49.  Make my own Zine
50.  Try 10 food items I never tried before
51.  Visit and blog about 5 new museum visits
52.  Make a will and living-will
53.  Visit 10 new Farmers Markets
54.  Donate $101 to a charity
55.  Make my own pickles
56.  Ride a Sea-doo
57.  See the grand canyon
58.  more coming...

Welcome to my list

Hi from Blubrrymffin! Welcome to my blog/list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I am excited to complete this list and overall task. My goal date is Saturday, June 30, 2012!

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