I have a new addition for my list (number 86 to be exact). I want to go to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri. They have a HUGE shuttlecock outside and I think I need my picture with it. Hmmmmm....sounds like a plan!
Other additions are:
87. write a list of 101 things that make me happy and share with those I love
88. change the oil in my car on a regular basis
89. make my own painting and hang it up
90. see Alabama play Penn State
91. vote whenever I can
92. fly somewhere in first class
93. go scuba-diving or snorkeling
94. read a book someone suggested to me
95. learn to make Filling!
96. become a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association (so they stop bothering me!)
97. write a letter to myself before day 30 and read it on day 1001
98-100. coming on 10/3/10
101. start a new 101 list on day 1001
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