I got new glasses!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Last Saturday I finally buckled down and went to the eye doctor.  I despise, hate, dislike, loathe going to the eye doctor.  It has been over three years since my last visit and if I could have helped it, I might have even waited a bit longer.  I just have an issue with people being near my eye.  Heck, I don't like being near my eyes and they are attached to my face.  My eyes tear up the entire time I am there and I pretty much just freak out from start to finish.  So yeah, going to the eye doctor last Saturday was a pretty big deal for me.

The most enlightening part of my eye doctor visit was when I learned one of my eyes reversed itself and went from being far-sighted to being near-sighted.  Basically I close one I and up close is fine and the out far is blurry but when I close the other eye the opposite happens.  That's normal, right?

So I go through my torture and then I get to pick out my new glasses.  I visited America's Best so you get a free eye exam and then pay a set price for two pairs of glasses.  Before my visit I thought that I might get one pair of sunglasses but I would wait to check out the price.  So I start looking, and looking, and looking and then I noticed all the pairs I like are ridiculously priced.  So much for staying in budget.  Finally I settle on two pair, one for everyday wearing and one to make into  sunglasses.  I go see the order lady and I found out that what I wanted still was more than I thought.  After everything was said and done, I paid double what I thought I would pay.  That was a bit of a shock, in the not so good way.

That being said, I got my new glasses today.  Woot!  I really like them, especially my everyday pair.  The sunglasses are big and look like grandma glasses but I am fine with that.  I need sun protection for driving, I could care less how great they look.  I think my foray into eyeglasses shopping was okay. After the exam I ended up pleased and I think I picked out a nice pair.  Plus, this scratched another item off my list.  Maybe this deserves a woohoo.

I went painting!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

When I lived in Tuscaloosa I went painting once with two friends to one of those "paint a canvas and it will look pretty, even if you are artistically UN-talented" places. I made a post about it earlier in this blog (it is a very awesome snowman). Last night I went painting again, but this time I went with my mom. The setup was a bit different but I still had an fun time. This time I painted a margarita (a hot pink one)! Alcohol my dear friend, oh how I love you. I definitely want to go back and it is not that expensive at all. At least this is personalized, unlike something you might buy in a store. Below is a picture of my painting, I hope you like it (or pretend to like it). Please just remember, I am as artistically talented as a bottle of water.

My baking blog

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I LOVE baking.  Be it cakes or cupcakes or bread or pretty much any yummy thing.  So I created a blog for my baking.  I just posted my first post to that blog here.  I hope to put all my great baking treats there.  Go visit if you want to be hungry.  First up, a 14-Layer Cake I made for my dad's birthday.  It was super yummy.

NEW bread

So I baked a new type of bread this weekend. It was super yummy and I could eat it all day long if I wanted to. The bread is a cheese based bread and I used two cups of grated/shredded Colby Jack cheese in the bread. Before I baked the bread it smelled like Macaroni 'n Cheese. Yes, I am serious!  Mac 'n Cheese goodness...omg, I still can remember that smell.  When the bread was done baking it no longer smelled the same but it did taste pretty yummy. It is essentially a white, yeast bread with a hint of creamy, cheesy joy. No overwhelming taste of cheese but still nice and smooth. I took a picture so you can see how yummy the bread is. The picture is at the bottom of this post. The recipe made two loaves and both are pretty much done by now. I think next time I might try a sharper cheese (like Cheddar) with the recipe to see how the bread tastes.

I am one bread closer to my goal of baking 30 new breads. Woohoooo! This goal should be easy to complete. Plus, it will taste good the whole way through. I hope everyone else enjoys the bread as much as I do.


Meet Kelly (a new 101 in 1001 person)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

So I completed a goal without trying. That's right, pretty much no effort was expended by yours truly but ALOT of effort was expended by Kelly. She created a 101 in 1001 list (and blog). I really like her list and you can follow her here! So go visit, say hi and stick around for all her fun hi-jinxes! Woohoo!!!!!!

BTW: This means number 93 is now DONE!  Only 100 more to go...no problem, eh?

Spidey's Birthday

Thursday, August 05, 2010

So today is Spiderman's birthday. Mom and I were trying to figure out how old he is last night and I think we narrowed it down to 5. Which in cat years is really about 36 years old. Cats age differently than humans and dogs, but from what I could find out, he is approximately 36. Did you know the oldest cat on record reached 34 human years which is approximately 153 in cat years! Crazy stuff I tell you, just crazy!

Spidey is a very special cat. I first met him at a horrible, horrible, horrible (can I add about 20 more horrible's to this statement?) pet shelter in Pottsville, PA. Side note, Pottsville is where they make Yuengling Beer! I was looking at another cat named Ken when Spidey proceeded to leap on me from above...with all of his claws out. He ended up as my new cat and he has been pushing me around ever since. I am not a quite person, but he is definately NOT a quite cat.

Spidey has some very interesting idiosyncracies, such as his infatuation with water, his need to play with balls and then also feed and water said balls and his love to control as many humans as possible with very little effort. Overall though, I cannot say there is another cat I would enjoy as much as him.  Happy Birthday Spidey!

My New (and Improved) 101 in 1001 List

Monday, August 02, 2010

I have from today, August 2, 2010, until April 29, 2013 to complete my goals.

I originally started a list last October, but so much has changed that I feel I need a new list so I can actually achieve my goals. In October I was still is Library school, so full of hope and so full of spirit that I KNEW what was going to happen and I was happy. Not to say I am not happy now, but I am definitely NOT where I thought I would be. I just think that God has a different plan for me that is not my plan. But that means it is a better plan and I just need to wait. I will try my best, work hard, have fun and let life take me on the path I need to travel. So now, without further suspense….my new 101 in 1001 list is here!

Food Related

1. Try 10 new drinks

2. Go to a wine tasting

3. Grow my own tomatoes and eat them

4. Eat at a restaurant all by myself and not feel self-conscious

5. Make my own pickles

6. Make Filling once a year

7. Learn to make Mom’s Potato Salad

8. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for 1 month

9. Eat at 5 new restaurants

10. Take my multivitamin everyday for 6 months

11. Bake 30 new types of bread
Travel Related

12. Go to a Zoo

13. Watch 5 sunsets in 5 different places

14. See the big ball of twine in Kansas

15. Visit and blog about 2 new museum visits

16. See the Grand Canyon

17. See a “ruin” of something

18. Visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri

19. Fly somewhere in 1st or Business Class

20. Go Zorb-ing

21. Go Scuba diving or Snorkeling

22. Visit my Pop

23. Go to the Supernatural Convention

24. Use my passport

25. Find 10 Geocache hiding spots

26. Visit at least half of the states

27. Go on a trip with just mom

28. Go on a trip with just dad

29. Ride a Seadoo

Be a Good Person

30. Sponsor a child

31. Read the Bible everyday

32. Donate $101 to charity

33. Leave 25 happy/inspiring post-it notes for random strangers

34. Send a soldier a care project

35. Use only reusable shopping bags…even at clothing stores

36. Volunteer for at least 30 hours

37. Participate in 5 charity walk/run events

Be an Adult

38. Get a Professional Librarian job

39. Have an article I write published in a professional journal

40. Stay off the internet 1 day for each month

41. Keep up this blog!

42. Put at least $1 a day in savings and do not touch it until the 1001 days are done

43. Back-up my Mac monthly

44. Make a will

45. Make a living-will

46. Get new glasses

47. Read the Sunday newspaper in its entirety

48. Visit the non-fun doctor

49. Change the oil in my car regularly

50. Vote

51. Become a life member of the Penn State Alumni Association

52. Become a life member of the Alabama Alumni Association

53. Go to the dentist

54. Do not buy a new planner

55. Stop biting my nails

Books/Reading Related

56. Read/Listen to 250 new-to-me books

57. Make my own Zine

58. Color an entire coloring book

59. Do not buy any “new” books for 1 month- only borrow from the library or buy “used” books

60. Read a suggested to me book (Eat, Pray, Love)

61. Use the Dictionary.com “Word of the Day” in a sentence everyday for 1 month

62. Join a book club

63. Write my name in the sand and take a picture of it

64. Reread all of the James Bond series

Television/Movie/Internet Related

65. Complete an ITunes University class

66. Watch 26 movies in 3 months with titles that follow the alphabet

67. Buy a portable hard drive for my Mac

68. Attend a midnight premiere of a movie

69. Post something on Youtube

70. Watch season 1 of Dr. Who

71. Watch most Alabama Football games either in-person or on television

Be Fit!

72. Use my Wii Fit 2x a week

73. Lose weight so I am comfortable with myself

74. Exercise at least 3x a week

75. Play mini putt-putt

Craft Time

76. Photograph 1 view in all 4 series and frame the images

77. Do a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle

78. Support someone on Etsy at least 2x a year

79. Finish a cross stitch that is bigger than the ornament/bookmark size

80. Make 5 jewelry pieces

81. Come up with my own font style and then use it

82. Use my postcards to make a project
What Else You Got?

83. See Adam Lambert in concert

84. Make a wish on October 10, 2010 at 10:10am

85. Watch all of Supernatural

86. Take a walk when it’s raining and go nowhere important

87. Get a facial

88. Send 101 postcards through postcrossing.com

89. Mail a secret into postcecret.com

90. Make a list of 101 things that make me happy and share it with those I love

91. Put all my change in a jar for 6 months

92. Throw a party

93. Influence someone else to make a 101 list

94. Get 2 new tattoos

95. Get a massage

96. Sing karaoke

97. Take a class

98. Get a new corn plant and take care of it

99. Remember a dream and write it down

100. Keep a Quote journal

101. Make a new 101 in 1001 list

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